Latest Episodes
Kingdom Come
In John 17, Jesus tells the disciples His prayer for us: that we would be in the world, but not of the world. In...
Garden City Revisited
To become a hope carrier, we need a vision, a foundation, to practice, and a life-giving community. In this message, Pastor John Stickl helps...
Garden City
We were created to work... and that's a very good thing! Ever since the beginning, God has called and commissioned us to do good...
Created For More
What does it look like for us to live on mission with God in the midst of our everyday lives? You were created for...
Is Your Heart Burning?
How are you going to follow and become like Jesus this year? Do you realize that the God of the universe wants to speak...
RE. 2023 Online Experience
Jesus can RE anything, and in Jesus, there is always more! During Day 3 of RE. 2023, we gathered together to give God our...