Latest Episodes
We Live with a Spirit of Gratitude
Gratitude is the normal response to receiving God's grace, and it's the language of God's kingdom. So, how's your gratitude? We live with a...
We Are Passionate About the Presence of God
What would other people say you are passionate about? Passion is, by definition, that which we suffer for, or that which costs us something....
Practicing Family on Mission and Heart
Jesus says in Luke 11:28, “But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.” There is...
We Do Everything With All Our Heart
How's your heart? Is it healthy, whole, and free, or is it divided, apathetic, or worn out? Do you ever work on your heart?...
We Are A Family On Mission
Are you a beloved son or daughter of God living in a family on mission? While we all start as spiritual orphans in this...
Practicing Unity
What would it look like to practice pursuing unity with everything you have in your life today? Unity is when we choose to come...