As followers of Jesus, we are ambassadors of heaven. We have been empowered and created to change our world, and the evidence of a Spirit-filled life is the ability to dream with God! In this message, Pastor John Stickl teaches us that dreaming with God is when we partner with Him to create a future that doesn't exist. It's working with God to see His kingdom come in the area of life we have been given to steward! Remember, we are made in the image and likeness of the ultimate Dreamer. So what are you dreaming about?
What facts of this world do you need to replace with God's truth?
In times of trouble, we may have heard someone tell us a promise from Romans 8:28, that God works all things for His good...
Valley Creek is a movement of Jesus-focused, Spirit-filled, life-giving people. We live a life of restful movement; we rest in Jesus and yet we...