What's your vision for your family? A better question may be, what's God's vision for your family? A vision is the ability to see a preferred future. It tells you who you're becoming as a family! Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people will perish.” So, where there is vision, the people will flourish! In this message, Pastor Becca Reynolds teaches us what would it look like for our families to flourish – to have a future where we can grow into the full potential of what God designed our lives to be!
We were created to work... and that's a very good thing! Ever since the beginning, God has called and commissioned us to do good...
Identity determines behavior; who you are determines what you do, and a changed identity changes how we live. Religion is focused on changing how...
God's Word is His voice preparing us for the things He's created us to do. God is speaking to those who are listening, and...