What is church? Why does it matter? And why are you here? It all comes back to Jesus because our view of Jesus will determine our view of the church. The more clearly we see Jesus, the more clearly we see everything else. In this message, Pastor John Stickl helps us re-focus on who Jesus is and what He's done for us, he gives us a couple definitions of the church, and he reminds us of who we are as Valley Creek Church. The church was, is, and always will be Jesus' idea, so, Jesus, have Your church!
We come to the harbor (church) to be filled up, refreshed, and refueled, but we're not meant to stay in the harbor. We're created...
In this message we re-engage with what Jesus is doing and ask ourselves, "What would it look like for me to engage again?"
How we handle difficulties reveals what we believe about God and what's in our hearts. When we believe that God is bigger than our...