Unbelief asks, "What if...?" But unwavering faith says, "Even if...!" In this message, Pastor Becca Reynolds reminds us that our feelings can never lead us into the future God's creating for us... only faith can! Both fear and faith require us to believe in something we can't see. Are you going to choose to let fear of the unknown keep you stuck in the past? Or are you willing to trust that, in God, there is always more? Don't let your belief in bad circumstances become stronger than your belief in a good God! Wherever God is taking us is better than where we've been. Can you believe that is true for your life, regardless of your circumstances?
What does it look like for us to live on mission with God in the midst of our everyday lives? You were created for...
In this message we learn that changing the way we think can drastically change the way we live.
What does a baby in a manger have to do with us in 2021? What is the good news, and why does it bring...