We Have A Responsibility to Give What We Have Received

December 11, 2022 00:35:33
We Have A Responsibility to Give What We Have Received
Valley Creek Church Weekend Messages
We Have A Responsibility to Give What We Have Received

Dec 11 2022 | 00:35:33


Show Notes

What do we do with what God has shared with us? What do we do with the revelation He's given us? We have a responsibility to give what we have received. The best way we can steward God's kingdom is to give it away to the world around us. In this message, Pastor Becca Reynolds teaches us that, through this kingdom value, we have a responsibility to people, not a responsibility for people. Their response is not our responsibility; our responsibility is to give what we have received from Jesus. So, what have you received from Jesus, and how can you give that away to those around you?

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