What if repentance is different than we think? What if, instead of hellfire and brimstone, repentance is a hope-filled encounter with the grace of God? What if we need to actually repent on the word repentance? One of the values of God's Kingdom is being quick to repent. In this message, Pastor John Stickl walks us through how repentance is going back and getting God's perspective. Maturity is not being perfect; it's simply being quick to repent. Repentance is not a one-time event, it's a lifestyle, so, where can you repent (go back and get God's perspective) today?
Most of us believe that busyness is just part of life and that, the more busy we are, the more successful we are. But,...
In 2019, our theme is Pioneer. A pioneer is someone who goes into the unknown with God for the good of others and to...
We were created to overflow kingdom realities into the world around us through gratitude and generosity. In this message, we discuss the kingdom realities...