Do you like the direction your life is going? If we want to do the things that Jesus did on-the-spot, we first have to do the things Jesus did behind-the-scenes. Before we jump into Seasons 3 and 4 of A Different Way this fall, we revisited the first message in our series to again ask ourselves, who am I becoming, and who do I want to become? We are all being molded and shaped into the image and likeness of someone. Is it Jesus? In order to do the things that Jesus did, we need to do the things that Jesus did. This doesn't happen on it's own or simply by "trying" – it happens through training and practicing. Jesus, help us be open to a different way!
God designed us to live in the presence of the family He has given us! His heart and design is to be present with...
The world needs you to activate your faith! We are the ones who have been empowered by God to help a hurting world. This...