Latest Episodes

Talk With God
Prayer is an important part of our lives, but we often see it as mysterious, confusing, or we feel unqualified and ill prepared to...

Engage The Scriptures
Engaging the Scriptures is the anchor of a rooted life. When we engage the scriptures, we will be rooted and flourish in life. The...

A Rooted Life
This year is going to be a good and abundant year because of Jesus. As a church family, we are going to kick off...

It’s A Party
Wherever Jesus goes, there's a party! We are God's living invitation. In this message we earn to enjoy the party and invite people to...

Life isn't about dong something or going somewhere, it's about being with someone; and that someone is Jesus. Whether life is comfortable or difficult,...

It Is Finished
Peace isn't based on externa circumstances, but on the internal reality of Jesus and His fulfillment of the law. It's because of Him that...