Latest Episodes

Freedom of Forgiveness
Ephesians 4:32 tells us, "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Forgiveness is key...

Nature of a Servant
What does it look like to be the greatest in the kingdom of God? It might look a little different than we think. The...

Redefining Discipline
Discipline in the world looks a lot different than discipline in the kingdom of God. In the world, discipline looks like punishment. But when...

Healthy Communication
One of the most foundational ways to have a healthy family is by practicing healthy communication! In this message, some of our teaching team...

Family Celebration
This summer we've been learning all about what it looks like to have healthy families, and today we were reminded that one aspect of...

Present With Them
God designed us to live in the presence of the family He has given us! His heart and design is to be present with...