Latest Episodes
Cultivating Generosity
We were created to overflow – to live the adventure of a generous life. In this message, we learn it's grace that teaches us...
Obedience Before Overflow
We were created to overflow kingdom realities into the world around us through gratitude and generosity. In this message, we discuss the kingdom realities...
Don’t Give Up
We all experience unexpected hardtimes, but no matter what's going on, don't give up! IN this message, we focus on kingdom encouragement based in...
Being Present
Jesus never worried, hurried, stressed, or lived with regret. He always lived in the present, one moment at a time. Jesus invites us to...
Speak Like Jesus
As followers of Jesus, the way we speak should be different than the world around us because we've had an encounter with the life...
Living in Love
How we treat people should be different than the world around us. The more we walk with Jesus the more we love what Jesus...