Latest Episodes
Choose Your Own Adventure
Are you enjoying God in this season? Because He's enjoying you. In this video, Pastor John lays out three simple ways we can enjoy...
That’s Not Success
In the kingdom, success is defined as obedience, not results. How do you define it? In this message, we learn the significance of obeying...
Don't Take The Bait
When you hold onto offenses, they keep you trapped in the past. So, don't take the bait! In this message, we focus on the...
I Don't Feel Connected
Connecting isn't about feelings, it's about faith! In this message, we take a look at the importance of relationships and the cultivation of our...
If Not Now, When?
In this message we re-engage with what Jesus is doing and ask ourselves, "What would it look like for me to engage again?"
Where do you need to invite Jesus to renovate in your heart? Let's take some time to ask, listen, and respond to what Jesus...