Latest Episodes
Easter at Valley Creek
Is Easter relevant in your seat? Is what happened 2000 years ago on a cross relevant to our lives today? In our Easter experience,...
One Life to Live
How is your life? Not just how are you doing, but truly, how is your life? One of the prayers we're praying is that...
It's Different Than You Think
What if love is different than we think? What if loving others looks different than we think? One of the prayers we're praying is...
Led & Loved
Who or what is guiding you? Who or what do you follow? One of the prayers we're praying is that we would embrace spiritual...
Let There Be Peace
What is peace, and how do we get it? In the midst of the business of life, the chaos of this world, or the...
Live Free
There's a big difference between being set free and living free. Following the Cloud isn't just a cool title or a message series; it's...