Scripture, Part One

February 25, 2024 00:49:44
Scripture, Part One
Valley Creek Church Weekend Messages
Scripture, Part One

Feb 25 2024 | 00:49:44


Show Notes

Jesus is the living Word of God, the Scriptures are the written Word of God, and God's Word is God speaking. Which means the Bible is not a book; it's a voice. In this message, Pastor John Stickl sets the foundation for the spiritual practice of Scripture as he teaches us that the Bible is not contained by leather and pages; it is Spirit and it is life. If we want to see God's kingdom come, we have to surrender our lives to His will, and His will is communicated to us by His Word. No matter what Jesus was experiencing, He dwelt in the kingdom of God, because He loved God's Word and valued God's voice. He knew what God was saying, so He knew how to live in alignment with God's plan for His life. God's Word shows us that living a different way is not only possible, it's normal. If we want to dwell deeply in God's kingdom, God's Word has to dwell deeply in us.

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