Redefining Success

May 08, 2023 00:47:08
Redefining Success
Valley Creek Church Weekend Messages
Redefining Success

May 08 2023 | 00:47:08


Show Notes

How do you define success? In the kingdom of God, success is obedience not results, and obedience is proof of discipleship. So, as hope carriers, success looks different to us than it does to the world. In this message, Pastor John Stickl teaches us that hope carriers define success as doing what God asks us to do, when God asks us to do it, how God asks us to do it. We know that it doesn't matter if God's kingdom is coming in the world if it hasn't come first in our hearts. God is a good Father, and He cares that our hearts are soft, tender, and responsive to Him, because He has a hope and future for us. Do you have a vision for a life of obedience to God or a life of results in this world?

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