Is Your Heart Burning?

January 16, 2023 00:35:24
Is Your Heart Burning?
Valley Creek Church Weekend Messages
Is Your Heart Burning?

Jan 16 2023 | 00:35:24


Show Notes

How are you going to follow and become like Jesus this year? Do you realize that the God of the universe wants to speak to you? The people of God and the Word of God can bring our hearts back to life. We can't cultivate the soil of our own hearts; we need other followers of Jesus to help us stoke the fire of our hearts. It's through Circles that we follow Jesus together! Circles change our life, and God's Word leads our life. God's Word wants to teach and train us how to live like Jesus. When Scripture is in our hearts it leads to success in our lives. Is your heart burning? It's time to engage the people of God and the Word of God this year.

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