How does God define His goodness? In this message, Pastor John Stickl walks us through Exodus 34, where God declares who He is by proclaiming His compassion, grace, patience, love, faithfulness, forgiveness, and justice. This is God revealing Himself and His goodness to us. And when we focus on that goodness, His glory radiates from our countenance to those around us. As the goodness of the Lord is passing in front of you, how will you choose to respond to who He says He is?
The life of David is a great example of what it looks like to live with the heart of a king! In this message,...
In this message we remember to stay Jesus-focused, that we're hope carriers, and that we're a harbor of hope.
There's a big difference between being set free and living free. Following the Cloud isn't just a cool title or a message series; it's...