We were created to work... and that's a very good thing! Ever since the beginning, God has called and commissioned us to do good work. Work is in the fabric and fiber of who we were created to be! When Adam fell, it changed the way we saw work. But what we lost in the garden, Jesus restored for us! We're not supposed to work to become anyone or achieve anything; we work because we are God's good work, and we have been empowered by Him to bring His rule and reign — His kingdom come — to all the areas of life. In this message, Pastor John Stickl teaches us that work is worship, work will be rewarded, work participates in the creation of the Garden City, and work is practice for eternity.
Merry Christmas from Valley Creek! Because of Jesus, PEACE.
As followers of Jesus, the way we speak should be different than the world around us because we've had an encounter with the life...