Coming to Our Senses

August 21, 2023 00:33:38
Coming to Our Senses
Valley Creek Church Weekend Messages
Coming to Our Senses

Aug 21 2023 | 00:33:38


Show Notes

As a family, we've been praying, fasting, and crying out to God for an awakening. We've been asking Him to turn our hearts toward Him, because we know there is so much more of Jesus and His kingdom to experience. Fasting is how we practice denying our flesh and walking in the Spirit. Today, Pastor John Stickl walked us through praying for God to continue to awaken our hearts to Him, His love, His grace, His Word, His holiness, and the Body of Christ, then we broke our fast with communion. When we fill ourselves with Jesus, it brings peace to our minds, satisfaction to our souls, a firm foundation for us to stand on, and a supernatural strength to sustain us.

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