Latest Episodes

What Is A Disciple Again?
Are you trusting Jesus for eternal life, but not for daily life? Jesus invites to live a different way in every area of our...

Can I Really Do What Jesus Did?
If we want to do the things that Jesus did on-the-spot, we first have to do the things Jesus did behind-the-scenes. In this message,...

How to Have the Best 2024
We believe that 2024 is a year that God is going to crown with His goodness! In this message, Pastor Jason Hillier kicked off...

RE Day One: Righteousness
How different would your life be this year if you really believed you were right with God? On the first day of RE 2024,...

Christmas at Valley Creek 2023
Christmas is often full of tradition, routine, expected plans, activities, and things we do year after year. The same can be said of many...

A Simple Invitation
Why are kids so good at inviting others to play or hang out with them? Because they know whatever they're inviting people to... is...