Latest Episodes

What Is Church?
What is church? Why does it matter? And why are you here? It all comes back to Jesus because our view of Jesus will...

God's Revealing
Unbelief asks, "What if...?" But unwavering faith says, "Even if...!" In this message, Pastor Becca Reynolds reminds us that our feelings can never lead...

God’s With You
Are you aware that God is with you wherever you go? In this message, Caleb Chapple, one of our Central Students Directors, teaches us...

God's Providing
Who defines your needs? The world, the news, social media, your friends? When God and His Word defines our needs, we can trust that...

Believing & Receiving God's Promises
Twice a year, we take intentional time to celebrate and then to rest. This helps us stay healthy, refreshed, and focused on the goodness...

God's Blessing
God didn't create us for worry! In this message, our Next Gen Pastor, Dave Scriven, teaches us that worry is a choice, and when...