Latest Episodes

What Is God’s Name?
What is God's name? When we hear that question, a lot of words may come to mind. He's our rescuer, our redeemer, our Father,...

He's Better Than You Think
What if Jesus is better than we think? God wants to reveal Himself to us, and the humanity and divinity of Jesus is a...

Who Do You Think God Is?
Do you have room in your thoughts for God? Whatever we think about God will directly impact every area of our lives. Our thoughts...

Coming to Our Senses
As a family, we've been praying, fasting, and crying out to God for an awakening. We've been asking Him to turn our hearts toward...

Lift Up Your Head
We will become that which we turn our hearts toward. Whenever God goes first and awakens our hearts to Him, it creates a choice....

Who Turns Your Heart?
Who turns your heart? Whatever our heart is turned to, that's what we're awakened to. Often times, we're awakened to the wrong things (the...